It’s funny to me that it has been 8 months since I “left my day job” as a public school teacher, yet I still feel the passing of time in terms of the school year. For instance, my husband and I were talking about probably not being able to make plans this year “for Spring Break”….when I realized that no longer applies to me! I am no longer limited to that ONE WEEK IN THE SPRING when we have the freedom of a whole week of hanging out, taking a day trip, camping, whatever we want to do. But the mind holds fast to what it is used to. 15 years of teaching in public schools and all that comes with it will take awhile to undo…there is a lot of “undoing” taking place over here….
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I don’t have responsibilities or a job anymore….I do. I am working. A lot! I am building my dream business….fusing my passions and my purpose in life into my business, doing what I was meant to do by serving humanity as a doula, a Peaceful Parenting Coach, a Spiritual Coach, an Intuitive Healer…..so many things I cannot even put a label on.
I’m here to help women transition into mothers…..to find their inner power and inner voice, to push through their fears (sometimes literally).
I’m here to help people find their own personal power, to embrace that there is a whole world under the surface that has everything to do with using your intention and intuition to create your best, most authentic self.
I’m “here” to help. Period. In my own way.
There was no room for this version of me when I was too busy “doing” the full-time-job-plus stuff.
I am still “doing” a lot. But the difference now is: I am happy. I am at peace. I have also become “undone”.
I’ve come to realize, living this way, honoring my authentic true self and my true needs is finally bringing me full circle back into a sense of true joy, true inner peace, something I had been searching for for so long and could grasp the corners of at times, but as soon as I would try and tug it closer to me it, it would then slip out of my hands.
You see for so, so, so many years I wasn’t truly, honestly happy (more often than not anyway). Especially as an adult, I truly struggled with working full time, trying to be a thoughtful, caring partner to my husband, trying to be a loving, nurturing Mom to my son, “bringing in the bacon” as a full time public educator, keeping the house clean(ish), laundry done, cooking healthy foods (well, cooking ANY foods at that point was a struggle), helping care for my elderly/ailing father, and my unique, “special needs” dog, and then trying to find time for self-care, for exercise, for anything that fed my soul. I was drained. I was done.
I felt like a total failure. A big one. Often. And that didn’t sit well with me because I knew deep down inside I wasn’t a failure…..it just took me 43 years to figure out I was just living an ill-fitted life for me. That MY NEEDS are different. That I am “different”, and march to a tune of a different drummer than most, and it’s okay to admit that, hell to embrace that! That many, many women (because, let’s face it, I am a woman) go out and work full time and come home and do all those things, and function, and are grateful, and somehow fit it all in, and are happy………..but that’s not me. And that’s okay! That doesn’t mean I am a failure! Or inadequate! It just means I was trying to stuff myself in a box that I didn’t fit in for too long until the seams all bust open. I think it took having my son, seeing how he “doesn’t fit in a box”, hearing myself explain that over and over to his teachers, his doctors, his caregivers, his family, to realize “oh my gosh, that’s me!” .
I had to undo A LOT to get to that realization. Peel back many, many layers, only to reveal more layers that needed peeling.
That chapter of my life is done now, and I’m extremely grateful for what I learned:
I’m grateful that I had the courage to realize living that way was no longer serving me.
I’m grateful that I have an incredibly supportive husband that not only believes in me and encourages me, but knows me well enough to say “I will never let you go back to teaching public school again”.
I am grateful that I get to serve my fellow women/sisters, to help them find their inner strength during pregnancy birth, and beyond.
I am grateful that I get to help families learn how to communicate better with one another, to help bring them closer to finding a sense of peace.
I am grateful I don’t have to wake up in the morning to a super-duper early alarm clock and feel that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach as my day begins.
I am grateful that I now have time to go to the gym, prepare healthy foods, and truly take care of my body.
I’m grateful that now I have more quality time to spend with my family, where I’m actually in a good mood, happy and positive, so I can better enjoy them.
I am grateful that I also have time to study what I want to study, to further my own personal growth in every aspect.
I am grateful that I am aware enough to be grateful.
So if you feel like you are stuck inside a similar box, you are cramped and cramping and busting at the seams and it’s bringing you down……..there is hope. It just takes the courage to take that one small step in the direction of your dreams. The universe will provide the rest.
So take that step, the step into freedom, peace, love, joy, your wildest dreams.
I’ll hold your hand while you push through, if you want 🙂
0 Responses
That is inspiring to hear that you are building your dream business. I wish you much success!
Thank you so very much! I appreciate the comment! 🙂
This really resonates with me. Thank you.
Thank you, I am so glad it did. Many blessings!
Coming undone is the best thing that happened, and continues to happen, to me. It doesn’t feel good in the moment, but such a relief in the bigger picture. All the best to you in your new venture!
Thank you!