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Birth Photography is Taking Up More Space Globally



I am still reeling from all the latest buzz the International Association for Professional Birth Photographers has created already this year with the release of the winners of the 2020 Birth Photography Image Competition. And yes, I am still doing a happy dance for having attained the honor of receiving the award for “Members Choice for Fresh 48”  with my image.

This morning my dear friend and colleague Paulina Splechta (who was also incidentally awarded a prize in the same competition, HOW COOL IS THAT) and I were talking about birth photography and it’s place in the world, how far it’s come in the last 8 to 10 years, and just how far it still needs to go. Although it is still not quite understood in it’s totality, or appreciated in terms of adequate financial compensation to the photographer in most cases, it IS making and impact and learning how to take up more space in the world. I know first hand, after witnessing it time after time, the amazing ramifications that being able to see yourself from an outsiders perspective during that incredibly transformational time has, on not only the birthing person’s future, but their family’s future, and therefore the future of the planet.

I wanted to include here the links to some of the major organizations who took the time to feature this competition and it’s winners (Including me! Pinch me!), and therefore helped propel birth photography a little further in the grand scheme of things.

THANK YOU EVERYONE for taking the time to read about this, to write about it, to share it far and wide. Thank you for being a part of the movement normalizing and demystifying birth, one image at a time.

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3 Responses

  1. Can’t say it enough… just beautiful. You are so present in the moments you capture and they are such a gift for others to see. The impact and recognition you are receiving is well deserved. Incredibly proud of you!

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