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home birth postpartum newborn

A Page in Herstory

They gathered under a full moon. It was 3 a.m., but no one seemed to care. There was a buzz of nervous energy in the air. They all breathed a collective breath, ready to tackle the enormous task at hand, whatever it may bring. The 3 women traveled slowly, but with a purpose. Each would rely and lean upon the other at various times throughout this journey, starting now.
It is a journey that is always transformational, not just for the mother to be, but for all involved. To even be a witness to this event is to see the face of God in its many shapes and forms.
As they made their way to the next destination, which was far from the ideal location, but nevertheless would serve it’s purpose, the 3 women barely spoke. There was no need to. Each already understood what the other was feeling, saying without words.
When they arrived, ready to dig in to the task at hand, they were told there was no room for them. How ironic, they chuckled. No matter, we will find a way, they thought. We have since the beginning of time.
The tribe was separated for a brief time, and the earth tilted a little off its axis temporarily. But the women held strong to their vision, to the desired outcome, and overcame the obstacles that temporarily seemed to stop their progress together.   As soon as they were together again, the earth righted once again, and the magic returned. The dance began.
The lights were dim, the sounds were hushed, the people around them who became unknowing spectators to this great journey stared in awe and wonder at the power of the 3. The power ebbed and flowed, waxed and waned, transferred from one woman to the other, electrical and powerful and full of collective strength and wisdom. When one faltered, the others rose up to remind her “You are strong, you are powerful, you are loved, you are surrounded by everything you need “.
The one with child came in and out of her power. This was a most difficult journey for her in so many ways. This was not exactly the way she had hoped her daughter would enter this realm. She had hoped to be at home, surrounded by her familiar space, familiar sights, smells, sounds. This was far from that.

But in birth, as in death, one doesn’t always get to choose these details.
She rocks her hips back and forth, slowly in circles. This dance, which creates its own choreography, never has to be taught. It just is. It emanates from her inner Goddess wisdom. It is accompanied by sounds, low and deep. Resonating with Mother Earth herself, connecting her to her source. The transformation was happening, and it wasn’t easy. It would shake her to her core. It would drive her to the brink of madness and then return her back…But upon return, she was always greeted by her fellow sisters with a smile, a wipe of the brow, a reminder that this too shall pass and that the miracle of life was waiting to be born, struggling as hard as she was, waiting for her chance to come earthbound meet her tribe.
Time sped up, stood still, went backwards, and then stopped.
It was time.
The tribe slowly, wearily but steadfastly traveled the last leg of their journey. They arrived at their final destination and set themselves up for the final feat. They were ready, the time was here. They all took a collective deep breath. They connected to each other, to each one’s inner wisdom and collective strength, to the collective strength of the earth, of the cosmos, of all that is. And then the mother began the last part of the job of bringing forth the baby earth side.
It would not be easy.
It would not be painless.
But it would happen, as it always had.
And then suddenly, finally, the three women became four.
And the air was thick with the presence of a myriad of women…..the ones who had come before them…..those who had given birth or supported in the birth. Those who had raised children, those who had lost children, those who had loved children, who had taught children. They were all there, smiling, arms around each other, watching this newest miracle unfold in all its glory.
Watching the journey complete itself once again, as it always had, and as it always will.

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